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Bench and Compact scales

Valor™ 2000

High-Performance Food Scale Suitable for Harsh, Wet Workplace Conditions
The OHAUS Valor 2000 water resistant food scale raises the bar and sets a new industry standard with the winning combination of speed and durability. Available in both stainless steel and plastic housing designs, Valor 2000 offers large LED front and rear displays, food safety and puncture resistant keypads, making it the premier value scale for use in dry or washdown environments.
Valor™ 2000 Features
The sturdy polycarbonate keypad offers protection from knives and other sharp instruments used in food preparation, processing and portioning applications.
A unique IPX8 flow-thru design ensures that the NSF-certified Valor 2000 will drain moisture in the scale when used in wet conditions.
Stabilization time is less than a half-second. Large front and rear LED displays allow for easy viewing so two operators can share one scale.
Valor™ 2000 Models
Maximum Capacity

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Platform Size
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Maximum Capacity
3 lb (1.5 kg)
0.0005 lb (0.2 g)
Maximum Capacity
3 lb (1.5 kg)
0.0005 lb (0.2 g)
Maximum Capacity
6 lb (3 kg)
0.001 lb (0.5 g)
Maximum Capacity
6 lb (3 kg)
0.001 lb (0.5 g)
Maximum Capacity
15 lb (6 kg)
0.002 lb (1 g)
Maximum Capacity
15 lb (6 kg)
0.002 lb (1 g)
Maximum Capacity
30 lb (15 kg)
0.005 lb (2 g)
Maximum Capacity
30 lb (15 kg)
0.005 lb (2 g)
Maximum Capacity
60 lb (30 kg)
0.01 lb (5 g)
Maximum Capacity
60 lb (30 kg)
0.01 lb (5 g)
Valor™ 2000 Product Details
Weighing, Checkweighing (XW only)
Dual light emitting diode (LED) displays
AC adapter (included) or rechargeable battery (included)
ABS housing with stainless steel platform (PW), stainless steel housing and platform (XW), up-front level indicator
Design Features
Auto-close power jack cover, transportation handle
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