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Bench and Compact scales

Valor™ 1000 - V12P

Reliable Food-Safe Scale for Dry Environments
With Legal for Trade certifications and a food-safe design that is NSF and HACCP certified, the Valor 1000 series is a reliable choice for general food weighing. Easy-to-operate Valor 1000 scales feature two-button operation, large backlit LCD display and up to 1,500-hour battery life.
Valor™ 1000 - V12P Features
NSF certified, USDA-AMS accepted design supports HACCP systems, making Valor 1000 perfect for food preparation tasks. Stainless steel pans and plastic in-use covers available for extra protection.
Save money on batteries. Energy-efficient design operates for up to one year or up to 1,500 hours.
Intuitive two-button operation allows for quick weight checking to simplify repetitive operations and increase operator efficiency.
Valor™ 1000 - V12P Models
Maximum Capacity

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Readability (Certified)

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Platform Size
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Legal for Trade

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Maximum Capacity
3 kg
0.5 g
Maximum Capacity
6 kg
1 g
Maximum Capacity
6 kg
2 g
Readability (Certified)
2 g
Maximum Capacity
15 kg
2 g
Maximum Capacity
15 kg
5 g
Readability (Certified)
5 g
Maximum Capacity
30 kg
5 g
Maximum Capacity
30 kg
10 g
Readability (Certified)
10 g
Valor™ 1000 - V12P Product Details
LCD with white backlight
D-cell alkaline battery, power adapter, rechargeable battery (available as accessory by region)
Optional RS232
ABS housing, plastic or stainless steel pan, carry handles
Design Features
Integrated level bubble, adjustable feet, selectable weighing units
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