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Open Air Shakers

Extreme Environment Shakers

High Performance Orbital Shaker Designed to Withstand Extreme Environments Up To 100% Humidity
OHAUS Extreme Environment Shakers are designed for use in applications that require CO2 and humidity for optimal cell growth. The remote controller magnetically attaches to the outside of most incubators or easily sits on the lab bench. The shaker base is placed inside the incubator and connected to the touchpad controller with a 170 cm cable allowing for simple external control of speed & time settings. This shaker features an IP65-rated motor.
Extreme Environment Shakers Features
Defy the elements - rely on this orbital shaker's unique construction to deliver exceptional speed control, accuracy and durability under the most extreme environmental conditions.
Best in class load capacity to maximize efficiency in your incubator. Customize the Extreme Environment Shaker for your unique application with over 50 accessories.
For repeatable results, the exclusive Accu-Drive shaking system ensures speed accuracy. The triple eccentric drive provides smooth, stable shaking motion throughout the entire speed range.
Extreme Environment Shakers Models
Speed Range
Tray Size
Drive System
Orbital, 19 mm
Speed Range
15 rpm – 500 rpm
Extreme Environment Shakers Product Details
Cell Cultures, Solubility Studies, Extraction Procedures, Bacteria & Yeast Cultures and Suspensions, Staining/Destaining, Immunoassays, Protein Studies, Blotting Techniques
Independent LED displays for speed/time allow the operator to view both settings simultaneously
Detachable 3-wire cord and plug (included)
RS232 interface provides two-way communication for data logging and unit control (digital models)
Cold rolled steel (CRS) and stainless steel, external control module, thin ribbon cable (5.5 feet or 1.7 m) easily passes underneath an incubator door or via incubator’s utility port
Design Features
Built-in tray (11x13 inch or 28x33 cm) with a non-slip rubber mat (included)
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